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Hey climbers, here at the Western Montana Climbers Coalition we have committees that could benefit from our members playing a key role in shaping the future of climbing. The committees draw on a wide variety of skills, so we could definitely use your help.


Here’s a list of our volunteer committees. Maybe you’re an expert in federal recreation policy? An excellent writer or social media guru? Somebody who loves to organize events? Or maybe you just want to get out on the rock and replace some of those funky anchors put up in the 1980s?


The descriptions below have an email address for the board member who chairs each committee. If you’d like to get involved, get in touch by email or feel free to let us know in person if we run into you at Freestone or the crags.

You can reach WMTCC co-chairs – Katie Williams and Dane Scott – here: and


Guide development and review of recreational access and conservation advocacy work on public lands, including: legislative and regulatory analysis, federal land agency management, climbing policy/regulations, legislative/regulatory analysis issues, climbing management policy, raptor/wildlife issues, fixed anchor policy, and climbing stewardship projects. A private land ad hoc committee will exist within the policy committee as needed.


Works to facilitate the Lost Horse Boulder Bash and other WMTCC events, including meetings with members as well as film nights, photo exhibits, and other events approved by the board.


Actively communicate the mission and values of the WMTCC internally and externally so that everyone has a clear
understanding of why the organization exists, speaks the same language, and provides guidelines for how to communicate. We use every channel available to clearly communicate WMTCC’s mission, creating internal alignment and community involvement.


Works with approval of the board to replace fixed anchors in climbing areas around Western Montana using best practices. The committee will coordinate with the Policy Committee to ensure that fixed anchor replacement work is consistent with applicable land management prescriptions.


Manages the WMTCC web page, deals with emails, and other technology related activities. Manages the WMTCC Google account.


Manages the membership roster for the WMTCC. Ensures new members are added to the roster and expired memberships are removed from the roster. Works with the Technology and Communication committees to have membership roster technology in place and provide up-to-date member emails for Communication.

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